Saturday, 28 May 2011

Are we listening to the same songs? but with diffrent words

As me and my friend were listening to some songs , we notice that a lot sounded alike.
and example is tik tok and California girls . Same beat , and everything only diffrence was the words. Make's me wonder what music industry is turning into. Basically we are listening to the same songs , over and over.  Music before hand use to be from the heart and the person who created the song that was "there" song their beat their everything. Now artist make the same songs , about god knows what. and its mostly in techno or auto tune. I think the music industry is brain washing society so much that our brains have become so adapted to the music all of it sounds diffrent but if you listen carefully and have a chance to mix them together you realize ... that you have listened to the same thing over 600 x?  .

CHECK out a link i posted :)
you will see what i mean . personally i find it sad that artist make the same songs and no one catches onto it ...till now, next time listen carefully and too the beat

1 comment:

  1. Oh yes i strongly agree with this , very good insight on it.....
